If You Have Had Gangrene Once Is It Easy for You to Get It Again

Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Past Simple

Vocabulary: Ecology and environment. Problems of big cities.

Grammar: Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Содержание темы

  1. Types of Conditionals.
  2. Mixed Conditionals.
  3. Other tenses in conditional sentences.
  4. The Subjunctive.
  5. Present and by reference with 'I wish', 'if only' and 'it'southward (high) time'.
  6. Expressing wishes and regrets with 'I wish' and 'if merely.
  7. 'Would' and 'could' afterwards 'I wish' and 'if only'.
  8. 'Information technology's (loftier) fourth dimension' and 'It's (about) fourth dimension'.
  9. Expressing personal preference with 'I'd rather/ I'd sooner'.
  10. Expressing preferences about other people's actions.
  11. 'I'd rather.


Conditionals, If-sentences, The Subjunctive.

Type I
Настоящее время
If-придаточое прдложение (hypothesis) + Presen Tenses Hereafter/Imperatie/can/may/might/must/should + Инфинитив без to
if + любая форма настоящего времени (Present South., Present Cont. or Present Pert.)
If y'all finish work early, nosotros'll go for a walk.
If the conditions is nice, we'll go swimming.
Действия, которые совершаться в настоящем или будущем времени
If you lot have finished your coffee, we can pay the bill.
If you're ill, see a dr.! If you burn yourself, information technology hurts.
Type Ii
Не реальные действия для настоящего или будущего
If + Past Simple or Past Continuous would/could/might + bare infinitive
If I had money, I would travel round the world. (only I don't accept money - untrue in the present)
If I were a bird, I could fly.
Нереальные, которые не совершатся. Для настоящего или будущего времени.
If I were you, I would take an umbrella, (advice)
Type Three
Не реальные действия для прошедшего времени
If + Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous would/could/might + accept + past participle
If we hadn't left so early, we would have missed the plane.
If I had been invited, I would have gone to the political party.
If y'all had told me earlier about your bug, I would have helped you , but now information technology'southward too tardily. Нереальные, которые не совершились. Для прошедшего времени.
If the conditions hadn't been so nasty yesterday, nosotros would not accept stayed at home all twenty-four hours long.


Conditionals are normally introduced by IF; the post-obit expressions can be uses in stead of IF: providing,  provided (that), as long as, in case, on condition (that), but for (=without), otherwise, or else, what if, supposing, even if, only if, unless.

2.ane If only : This adds emphasis to hypothetical situations. With past events information technology adds a sense of regret. The 2d part of the judgement is often left out.

If only  I had enough time!

If only  I hadn 't drunk as well much, this wouldn 't have happened!

two.2 Unless and other alternatives

Unless only if not.  Not all negative IF-sentences tin be transformed into unless  sentences.

If he wasn 't told  past Jane, he couldn 't take known .

Unless he was told  by Jane, he couldn 't have known , (tin can be changed)

If Mr Smith doesn 't come back , he 'Ii telephone  you. (cannot be changed)

If one state of affairs depends on another, it can be replaced by as/and so long as, provided  or only if .

2.iii Merely if combines with other time expressions and is used with past unproblematic

But later posting the letter did  I recollect that I had forgotten to put on a stamp. (inversion)

I'll do  what you say provided the police force are non  informed.

2.four Fifty-fifty if describes how something will happen whatsoever the status.

Even if it rains , we'll withal go  for a picnic.

2.5 But for him , I wouldn't have been able to survive. (If he hadn't helped me…)

ii.vi Supposing it rains, volition y'all still go for a picnic?

ii.7 What if  information technology rains,  will yous become for a walk?

2.8 We  tin can omit "if", when should, were and  had come before the subject.

Should, come up , tell him to wait for me.

Were you, I would speak to her. known , he would take told the states.

four. Other tenses in provisional sentences

four.1 Going to Going to  can supplant will.

If you fall, you lot  're going to  hurt yourself.

If you  're going to  make problem, we 'II call the law.

4.2 Present perfect This tin be used to emphasis completion later on if.

If you' ve finished , and so we'll go. It is too possible in both parts of the judgement.

If I've  told you  one time, I've told  you a hundred times!

4.iii Doubt and dubiety

An additional not  can be added in formal expressions involving doubt. This emphasizes the uncertainty and does not add a negative meaning.

I wouldn 't be surprised if it didn 't rain.  (I retrieve it will rain.)

4.4 Should

if,  this makes the possibility of an outcome seem unlikely.

If you should  see Ann, could  y'all ask her to call me?

This implies that I do not expect you to come across Ann.

iv.5 Were to This too makes an event seem more hypothetical.

If I were to inquire  you lot to marry me, what would you lot say?

4.half-dozen Happen to

This emphasizes risk possibilities. It is oft used with should.

If you  happen to  see Helen, could you enquire her to call me?

If you  should happen to be passing,  drop in for a loving cup of tea.

4.7 If it were not for/If information technology hadn 't been for

This describes how ane issue depends on another.

If it  weren  't for Jim, this company would be in a mess.

If it  hadn 't  been for  their goalkeeper, United would have lost.

4.eight Will and would :  politeness and emphasis These can be used as polite forms.

If you lot  will/would look  here, I'll see if Mrs Greenish is free.

Will  can also exist used for emphasis, meaning 'insist on doing'.

If yous will stay out late, no wonder you are tired! (insist on staying)

4.9 If and adjectives

In expressions such every bit if it is necessary/possible  it is possible to omit the verb exist. If interested,  employ within.  If necessary,  take a taxi.

four.ten  Formally if can mean although ,  unremarkably as if + adjective.

The room was well-furnished, if a little  badly busy.

5.1 Subjunctive sentences: Field of study + VERB + THAT + SUBJECT +  INF. without to

  John's mother insisted that he  render  home early.

v.2. Subjunctive  обозначает особую группу глагольных временных форм (типа pres . — be ; by  — were for all persons  — для глагола to be  или infinitive without to  — для других глаголов), используемых для описания событий, которые вряд ли когда-либо будут иметь место, но которые являются предметом наших надежд, мечтаний, желаний.

5.iii The Nowadays Subjunctive

The Present Subjunctive is used afterward


Impersonal expressions

Indicating that one person wants another one to do something

Advise, lodge, demand, enquire, crave, recommend, command, propose, insist, propose

Information technology is  necessary, of import, proposed, recommended, suggested

He suggested that she go  there. He suggested that they should become there.

It is suggested that she become  at that place

v.4 Note the difference:

British variant:  I insist that yous should leave  without her.

   Information technology is recommended that you should publish  your book.

American variant:   I insist that you leave  without her.

   Information technology is recommended that y'all publish  your book

5.v The Past Subjunctive  prefers to use were  instead of was.

She behaves as if she were  / was a queen.

I wish it were true

6. Present and past reference with 'I wish', 'if only' and 'it'due south (high) time'

(I) wish, if only. it's (loftier) time and it'southward (nearly) time,  nosotros 'go one tense back':

1 The by tense refers to the present: I wish I had  a ameliorate watch!  (NOW)

2 The by perfect tense refers to the past: If only y'all had asked  me first!  (THEN)

7. Expressing wishes and regrets with 'I wish' and 'if only

7.1 We often utilise I wish  for things that might (still) happen:

I wish I knew  the answer!  (= it's possible I might find out the answer)

If only  is stronger. We utilise it to express regret for things that tin (at present) never happen:

If merely your mother were  alive now!  (Of course, / wish  is also possible.)

7.2 We may use the simple past of be  after wish  and if only

I wish I was  on holiday now.  If only Tessa was  here now!

If we want to be more than formal, we utilize were  in all persons

I wish I were  on holiday now.  If but Tessa were  here!

7.3 We may apply the by perfect of exist  for things that can never happen:

I wish I had been  on vacation last calendar week.  If only Tessa had been  here yesterday!

7.4 We apply the past or past perfect forms of other verbs:

I wish I knew  the answer to your question.

I wish I had known  then what I know now!

viii. 'Would' and 'could' after 'I wish' and 'if only'

We must use could,  non would,  after /and we.  Compare:

I can't swim.                           → I wish I could  swim.

We weren't together!              → I wish we could have been together

We sometimes utilise / wish y'all (he. she.  etc.) would(due north't)  like an imperative:

(I am making a lot of dissonance!)  → I wish you wouldn't brand and then much noise!

(He is making a lot of noise!)  → I wish he would be  quiet!

ix. 'It's (high) fourth dimension' and 'Information technology'southward (nigh) time'

We use It's time, It's high time  and it'due south virtually time  to express present or hereafter wishes, or to limited our impatience about things that haven't happened yet:

Kim tin can't even boil an egg. - I know.

It's time/high fourth dimension/nigh time she learnt to melt!

10. Expressing personal preference with 'I'd rather/ I'd sooner'

Nosotros use would rather and would sooner to express preference.

Nosotros tin refer to the nowadays or the futurity:

I'd rather/I'd sooner exist a builder than an architect.

Or we can refer to the past:

If I could choose again, I'd rather/sooner have been  a architect than an architect.

11. Expressing preferences about other people's actions

eleven.1 Nosotros can refer to other people after I'd rather or I'd sooner.

I'd rather exit  on an earlier train.  (= I'm referring to myself)

I'd rather Jack left on an before railroad train. ( I want him to leave)

11.2 We use the past tense class after I'd rather to  refer to the present or time to come.

I'd rather be  happy.  I'd rather not sit next to her. (=  for myself)

I'd rather she were/was  happy. (= now)

I'd rather she didn't sit  next to me. (= at present)

eleven.3 Nosotros employ the past perfect form later I'd rather to  refer to past time.

I'd rather have been  present. (=  and then - I'thousand referring to myself)

I'd rather you lot had been  present,  (so)

I'd rather yous hadn't told me  about it.  (then)

12. 'I'd rather he didn't'

We generally omit the principal part of the verb in short responses:

12.one negative responses:

Frank is going to purchase  a motorbike. - I'd rather  he didn't.

I′ve told  everyone about it.   - I'd rather  you hadn't.

12.two affirmative responses:

Frank won't surrender  his present job. - I'd rather  he did.

I haven't told  anyone about it. - I'd rather  you had.

12.3 We practise not take to echo the main verb in a consummate sentence:

You lot always go  without me and I'd rather  you didn't.


Ecology and environment. Problems of big cities.

Study the of import vocabulary:

ane. The weather:

Cold atmospheric condition: the dank days of autumn, cold days of winter, frosts, icy roads, sleet pelting and snow, severe blizzards, snowdrifts, freezing weather, the footing thaws, ice melts.

Warm/hot weather: shut, stifling, humid, scorching, humid, mild, heatwave

Moisture weather: damp, drizzle, shower, cascade downward / downpour, storm, thunderstorm, torrential rain, inundation; haze/hazy, mist/misty, fog/foggy, smog

Wind: gentle cakewalk, expert wind, blustery day, gale warning, hurricane

2. The Natural World:

Animals: species, reptile, dinosaur, bird, fish, gills, mammal, nest, wing, tail, claws, paw, hoof; Flowers and trees: pollen, leaves, co-operative, body, roots, bawl; Names of trees: oak, fir, evergreen pino, birch; Verbs: to bloom/flower, extinct, hide, thrive, choice flowers, plant, fertilize, harvest crops.

3. The environment:

Brook, stream, river; hillock, colina, mountain; cove, bay, gulf; copse, forest, woods;   puddle, pond, lake; footpath, lane, road

Where land meets sea: declension, shore, embankment, estuary, cliff, cape,  peninsula;

Words continued with rivers: source, tributary, waterfall, mouth, valley, gorge; Words connected with mountains:  pes, ridge, meridian, top, glacier;

iv. Environmental issues:

air, river and sea pollution; overfishing, the greenhouse result, the devastation of the ozone layer, the destruction of the rainforests, bombardment farming, waste matter disposal, rubbish, re-cycling

Nosotros should:  avoid spray cans, practice organic farming, use unleaded petrol, recycle newspaper and bottle banks

Issues: overpopulation, unemployment , famine, ignorance, diseases

Раздел: Задания для самостоятельной работы


1. I finished digging in half an hour but I felt equally if I ____ for hours.

  1. worked
  2. had worked
  3. piece of work
  4. accept worked

2. It'south  time we ____ our parents. We ____ them for ____ long time.

  1. visited, haven't visited, such
  2. have visited, didn't see, so
  3. had visited, hadn't seen, a very
  4. visited, haven't seen, such a

iii. If I had known that he needed coin, I ____ him some. I had ____ dollars to spare.

  1. would have borrowed, some
  2. might give, few
  3. would give, a petty
  4. would accept lent, a few

iv. His gesture ____ impatience. He looked equally if he ____ for hours.

  1. indicated, is waiting
  2. offered, had waited
  3. suggested, had been waiting
  4. showed, waited

v. He had written his address down the terminal morning time, she remembered, and said that if she ____ to Paris he ____ happy to encounter her once again.

  1. had ever come, will experience
  2. comes, will be
  3. would come, may be
  4. ever came, would exist

6. Minnie had a souvenir for mathematics and probably could go ____ teaching in the department if she ____ information technology upon graduation.

  1. a chore, wanted
  2. work, will have wanted
  3. job, wished
  4. a position, wants

7. He stood stiff and impotent with anger. She stared into the mirror as if he ____.

  1. doesn't exist
  2. didn't exist
  3. hadn't existed
  4.  won't be

eight. If only nosotros ____ a phone! I'm tired of queueing outside the public phone box.

  1. had had
  2. had
  3. have had
  4. can accept

9. He said that if the state of war ____ he would have to exit the state at once.

  1. breaks out
  2. broken out
  3. broke out
  4. will break out

10. And then he said: "If this human being ____, the whole dirty story will come out, and I don't want it ____ ."

  1. volition be arrested, come out
  2. is arrested, to come out
  3. will arrest, coming out
  4. is being arrested, to come up out

11. "In that location are ____ institutions, of grade, but it's not very like shooting fish in a barrel to get into them unless yous ____ influential friends."

  1. charitable, haven't got
  2. clemency'southward, have got
  3. clemency, don't accept
  4. charity, have

12. "If nothing ____ , said she, effulgent at them, we shall be back in England for ____ Christmas."

  1. will happen, -
  2. happened, a
  3. happens, -
  4. will have happened, the

13. At ____ dawn she looked weak and pale, as though she ____ up all night.

  1. - , had been
  2. the, were
  3. a, was
  4. - , has been

14. They all acted as if they ____ at a family reunion, as if they ____ each other in years.

  1. had been, didn't come across
  2. were, hadn't seen
  3. were, oasis't seen
  4. accept been, hadn't seen

15. I realized that if they ____ their heads, they ____ my pale face up looking at them over the pile of suitcases.

  1. had turned, can see
  2. turned, would exist able to see
  3. volition plow, will see
  4. take turned, would see

16. "I take some work that ____ exist finished before I ____ on my holiday."

  1. would, volition go away
  2. ought, am abroad
  3. should, will get away
  4. must, get away

17. If Martin ____ her ____ that manner he ____ accept taken offence.

  1. hears, speaking, can
  2. had heard, speak, would
  3. heard, to speak, might
  4. had heard, speak, must

eighteen. They took care of her every bit though they ____ her parents.

  1. are
  2. were
  3. had been
  4. have been

xix. I ____ to help if I ____ I would be whatever use.

  1. would advise, idea
  2. volition propose, could have thought
  3. might suggest, could call up
  4. would offer, thought

20. It was long ____ I had concluding seen her and if someone had not mentioned her name I ____ her.

  1. since, mustn't take recognized
  2. from, shouldn't recognize
  3. since, wouldn't accept recognized
  4. while, couldn't take recognized

21. It'due south high time you ____ in ____ bed too, my child.

  1. are, -
  2. must exist, the
  3. were, -
  4. should exist, a

22. If I hadn't been there something very unpleasant ____ to him.

  1. could happen
  2. might have happened
  3. was to happen
  4. must have happened

23. If he ____ at in one case he might have saved u.s. a lot of problem.

  1. were sent for
  2. is sent for
  3. had been sent for
  4. will be sent for

24. I could not imagine ____ wishing to spend three months there; unless it ____ somebody who wanted to hide.

  1. none, was
  2. someone, was not
  3. people, were not
  4. anyone, was

25. He looked at me every bit if he ____ what they had on their minds.

  1. is wondering
  2. has been wondering
  3. were wondering
  4. had been wondered

26. I wished that Thomas ____ me there.

  1. has not brought
  2. had not brought
  3. does not bring
  4. was non brought

27. "But we ____ in conference for two hours," he said. "It'due south loftier time ____ a tea interruption."

  1. are, having had
  2. were, we have
  3. have been being, to have
  4. accept been, we had

28. If John ____ to run into a dentist, let him ____ toothache.

  1. is refusing, to endure
  2. refuses, suffer
  3. refused, suffering
  4. volition turn down, suffering

29. "You had better ____ home. You're likely to become into trouble if you lot ____ here."

  1. go, stay
  2. to go, have stayed
  3. bustle, will stay
  4. to hurry, are staying

30. If we ____ waterproof coats it ____ pleasant enough to drive in that spring rain.

  1. had had, would have been
  2. have had, would be
  3. shall have, is
  4. are having, will be

31. He wondered a lilliputian ruefully merely what Dad ____ if he ____ about his relations with Jan.

  1. would say, knew
  2. might say, had known
  3. would take said, learns
  4. should say, has learned

32. And and then he saw that Doreen ____ , and he felt as though someone ____ him in the stomach.

  1. was crying, has kicked
  2. had been cried, kicked
  3. had been crying, had kicked
  4. cried, had been kicked

33. She scarcely seemed ____ what they were maxim. It was as though it ____ her.

  1. hearing, did non concern
  2. to hear, did not concern
  3. listening, was not concerning
  4. to understand, had not concerned

34. She remembered every bit though it ____ only yesterday the get-go fourth dimension she ____ them.

  1. were, was coming together
  2. was, has met
  3. has been, met
  4. had been, had met

one) will be, are ... discussing

2) were, were ... discussing

3) has been, would ... discuss

4) was, will... discuss

36. If you    away with him, become at once, only don't ask me   him.

ane) volition get, to meet

ii) will be going, to have met

3) are going, to come across

4) have gone, to be meeting

37. I'm not a poet. Merely if I   poems I   dedicate them to you.

1) would, will

two) can, shall

3) could, would

4) can, would

38. If I   y'all then, what   you accept done?

1) didn't assist, would

2) hadn't helped, would

iii) didn't, will

iv) haven't helped, volition

39. I wish I       poet to describe it to you.

1) were, a

2) am, a

3) had been, the

4) was, the

forty. I'chiliad tired. It'due south high time you   and me in peace.

ane) become, go out

2) have gone, take left

3) would have gone, get out

four) went, left

41. Why  that pie last nighttime? I wish I   that pie concluding night.

1) did I consume, had eaten

2) did I eat, hadn't eaten

iii) have I eaten, hadn't eaten

4) did I eat, didn't swallow

42. If she   he was going to be angry about information technology, she   that.

1) knew, won't do

two) knows, wouldn't practice

3) had known, wouldn't have washed

4) would know, have done

43. Yous wouldn't be then tired today if you   to bed when I told you to. Something should exist washed to help you.

44. If you     your medicine yesterday, you   today.

i) had taken, would be well

ii) took, would be ameliorate

3) take, will be proficient

iv) accept taken, would take been well

45. If he   such bad writing, I   these letters.

i) didn't have, can have read

2) didn't have, could read

3) hadn't had, tin read

4) didn't have, could take read

46. Why didn't I ask her out? If just I   her out! Everything   .

1) ask, will change

ii) asked, would change

3) had asked, would have changed

4) would ask, had changed

47. If I    overseas instead of him, I   something and   somebody.

1) would become, earnt, were

2) would have gone, have learnt, been

3) had gone, might take learnt, been

iv) went, may learn, be

48. If she   with him at this moment, the uncertainty and loneliness   evaporate. But he was solitary.

1) was, will

2) were, would

3) have been, would

4) had been, would have

52. I shall become there provided yous   to accompany me. It's high time you lot ____  rything.

1) would consent, are knowing

2) will consent, have known

3) would take consented, know

4) consent, knew

53. If he   your remark, he     offence. And what'due south more than, I've just told y'all that talking mends no holes.

i) had heard, would have

2) heard, would take

iii) have heard, would have taken

4) had heard, would have taken

54. He speaks as if he   the subject very well.

1) had known

2) is knowing

3) has known

iv) knew

1) were, would have checked

2) were, would bank check

3) am, will bank check

4) had been, would check

56. If I a spare ticket this evening I  yous to the concert.

1) will have, will take

2) had, would take

iii) will have had, can take

4) had had, could take

57. If the snake bite   poisonous, you   very bad now.

1) was, will experience

ii) had been, are feeling

three) were, would have felt

4) had been, would feel

58. If she      some lessons, she   her performance.

1) can have, might improve

2) could have, might ameliorate

iii) could have had, may ameliorate

4) could have, might to amend

ane) will plough away, being

2) will exist turning from, have been

3) pass up, be

4) accept turned against, to exist

1) If had he been, would accept accompanied, might non take place

2) Had he been, would have accompanied, might non accept taken place

3) Had he been, would accompany, might not have taken place

4) If he had been, would accompany, might not take identify

61. If they   here, I   so glad, equally they  everything to me.

1) would be, were, would explain

ii) were, should be, explained

iii) would exist, were, explained

4) were, should be, would explain

62. If that you lot   he  very glad.

1) I had told him, would come, would have been

two) had I told him, would come up, had been

3) I told him, would have come, would have been

four) I should tell him, would come, had been

63. If y'all us then, all the differences might .

64. If you Dr. Smith before, yous ill now.

1) consult, volition exist

2) didn't consult, tin can be

three) had consulted, wouldn't be

4) accept consulted, won't be

65. If we the question at that meeting, our demands .

1) had raised, would accept been met

2) raised, would come across

iii) rise, would be met

4) take raised, won't be met

66. If it dark, we our style.

ane) is, would take lost

2) hadn' t been, might not accept lost

three) wasn't, can have lost

4) were, will lose

67. I wish you rude remarks virtually me.

2) are not making

3) wouldn't brand

four) hadn't made

68. He looked at his sister as if he annihilation like her.

1) didn't always seen

2) has never seen

three) can't encounter

iv) had never seen

69. The exams . It's fourth dimension we downwardly to piece of work.

1) are coming, got

2) come up, get

3) will come, are getting

4) have come, are

70. I wish more people in the office your humour, Jack.

one) have

2) tin can have

3) will have

4) had


1. Find the correct word.

  1. During the storm, the climbers sheltered in a cave/cliff/valley.
  2. The fields were flooded after the river burst its banks/edges/sides.
  3. In the middle of the square there is an quondam fountain/source/tap.
  4. Afterwards the rain the street was full of floods/lakes/puddles.
  5. A small river/stream/torrent  runs across the bottom of our garden.
  6. You must carry a lot of water when you cantankerous the desert/patently/sand.
  7. From the peak/summit/height  of the hill you tin can meet the bounding main.
  8. It was hard to swim because the waters/waves/tides  were so high.
  9. I recall it'southward going to rain. It's very overcast/clouding/cloudy.
  10.  The church defenseless fire when it was struck past hurricane/lightning/thunder.

2. Choose the correct variant:

1. Many people are interested in watching............

1) wildlife    two) wilds    iii) wilderness

2.The domestic dog.........its tail furiously when information technology saw the children.

1) shook    2) wagged    3) moved

3. A large.........of the tree broke off in the storm.

one) trunk    2) bawl    3) branch

4. The children enjoyed rolling down the grassy............

i) mount    2) cliff   iii) gradient

5. There was field after field of golden..........waving in the wind.

1) corn    2) bushes    3) herbs

6. Y'all have to slumber under a net to avoid being bitten by...........

one) lobsters   ii) cockroaches    3) mosquitoes

7. Before railways were congenital, many goods were carried on..........

i) channels    ii) canals    3) river.

8. Some wildlife will become.........if they go used to people.

1) tame    2) organised    3) petty

three. Put the correct word in each infinite:

  1. Nosotros collect honey from our own bee.....................
  2. At that place's a rabbit....................in the corner of this field.
  3. There's a drinking....................on the other side of the park.
  4. The hill....................was covered in beautiful wild flowers.
  5. What'southward the weather....................for tomorrow?
  6. Yous can run into the mount....................among the clouds in the altitude.

4. Choose the right answer:

  1. There has been another increase/rising  in the amount of law-breaking.
  2. The train was in accident/collision  with a bus on a level crossing.
  3. Many people were injured when the building demolished/complanate.
  4. No ships are sailing today because of the high/tempest  winds.
  5. The government has appear plans to help the poor/poverty.
  6. Everyone agrees that the environs/nature  must exist protected.
  7. There are few jobs hither and many people are away from work/unemployed.
  8. The commuter of the bus admitted that he had washed/fabricated  an error.
  9. There was a large sit-in/manifestation  confronting nuclear power.

5. Put the right word in each space:

  1. Food has been sent to areas in Africa suffering from........................
  2. Many people live in overcrowded.......................on the edge of the city.
  3. The cost of.......................has risen steadily this yr.
  4. Thousands of buildings fell downward during a astringent........................
  5. The eruption of the volcano was a terrible........................
  6. Hundreds of people were drowned during the.......................in Cathay.
  7. Large cities face the trouble of what to do with household........................
  8. Doctors appear that there was now a cure for the........................



On May 7th, 1915, during the First Earth War (1914-1918), a large British passenger ship, the Lusitania, was sailing in perfect weather from America to England, with two thousand people on board. Suddenly, at well-nigh half by two in the afternoon, there were ii fearful explosions. The send shook from end to end, and many people were thrown off their anxiety. A German language submarine had fired at the Lusitania and blown ii holes in her bottom. The sea rushed into her engine-rooms, and almost immediately the transport began to sink.

She sank in only xx minutes; and well-nigh i 1000 people lost their lives.

The helm could not run into the submarine that attacked his ship, and he had no musical instrument to bear witness him the danger. Now the danger of surprise attacks against ships and collisions with icebergs is greatly reduced by radar. This radio instrument finds the position and distance of objects which the human being eye may not be able to see; it as well records the direction and speed of moving objects, such as ships and aeroplanes. Radar can pick out objects more a hundred miles abroad in the worst weather conditions, when nosotros tin see maybe no farther than a hundred yards.

Radar works in this manner. Powerful transmitters transport out a stream of radio-waves, called "pulses", at the rate of perhaps one thousand every 2d. These pulses shoot through the air at a speed of one hundred and lxxx-6 k miles a second till they hit an object, peradventure a ship, an aeroplane, an iceberg or a loma. These pulses cannot go through the object; and so they immediately shoot back at the same speed, in the opposite direction, and hit the aerial of the radar. The moment this happens, a spot or line of light appears on the radar screen, showing the position and distance of the object.

Today radar is used for many peaceful purposes all over the world. Mod ships of all nations acquit radar to help them canvass in bad weather, when it is possible to run across for a altitude of mayhap but a few hundred yards. In the past, the captain usually had to ballast his ship at such times and expect for conditions to better. But today a ship with radar can canvass in almost any weather conditions, with no danger of an blow.

Radar likewise helps to guide aeroplanes across the world. Radio signals chosen beams are transmitted into the sky from land radio stations at a number of points along their course. The pilots can hear these signals on their radio and see them on their radar screen. The beams arg like sign-posts in the sky. A airplane pilot guides his aeroplane towards ane beam, and and then flies on to the adjacent axle. At the end of his journey, he will state his aeroplane with the assist of radar.

Trained men at the drome sentinel the aeroplane on their radar screen and tell the pilot past radio the grade to follow, they tell him when and by how much to reduce peak, and give whatsoever other orders that may be necessary.

(Word count 539)

Answer the questions to text

1. The Lusitania was wrecked because

1) she was overloaded with 2 yard people aboard

2) of the fearful explosion of some substance she carried on board

3) she got sudden gaps in her lesser

4) she carried out military machine operations during the Get-go World War

ii. Which of the following observations reflects the principal idea of the text best of all?

ane) Radar is i of the vitally important discoveries of the 20th century

2) Radar could have prevented the catastrophy of the Lusitania

iii) To exist able to employ radar one should know in detail how information technology works

4) Radar is widely used in aviation and sailing

3. Radar is very helpful in

one) forecasting conditions atmospheric condition.

2) hit various objects, such equally ships, aeroplanes, icebergs, hills.

3) recording the management and speed of moving objects over a hundred miles away.

4) sending out radio-waves to transmit information.

4. Which of the post-obit statements is non true?

1) At present the danger of surprise attacks against ships is eliminated by radar.

2) Earlier the invention of radar sailing must have taken a longer fourth dimension than now.

iii) Ships all over the world began to carry radar not earlier the invention of the


4) Radar is used for spotting distant objects.

v. Information technology follows from the text that

1) the passengers of the Lusitania died in the accident.

ii) radar is used only in bad weather conditions, when we can see perhaps no

farther than a hundred yards.

3) the radar outcome would be impossible if the pulses were not reflected by the

target objects.

iv) anyone can guide aeroplanes with the help of radar.

Раздел: Задания для самостоятельной работы


I. Выберите единственный правильный вариант из предложенных для заполнения пропуска.

1. The chairman proposed that the matter  _____  at the side by side meeting.

1) be decided

2) should decide

iii) to exist decided

4) will be decided

2. If yous  _____  this book you  _____  to supersede information technology.

1) will lose, will have

ii) lose, will accept

3) had lost, must

4) will lose, will need

3. We insist that a meeting _____ as shortly as possible.

1) to be held

2) should be held

3) will be held

four) to hold

4. If Alison ____ another half hr's work, she ____ it past the time the children get home.

one) has washed; finished

2) would exercise; would take finished

three) does; volition accept finished

iv) did; finishes

five. If you  _____  more than x books nosotros  _____  the cost of each book past 10%.

1) buy, will reduce

2) will purchase, reduce

3) will buy, will reduce

iv) have bought, reduced

6. Alison was very surprised and recommended that we ____ all the papers advisedly.

ane) will cheque

2) are checking

3) might check

4) should check

7. If I ____ a pay rise, I'm going to purchase a new automobile.

i) will get

ii) got

3) get

iv) would become

eight. Mary-Ann recommended that I _____ careful, and warned not to open the door without asking who it was.

one) need to exist

2) was to exist

3) will be

four) be

ix. I was a trifle taken aback, for my cousin spoke as though he _____ me earlier and I was afraid my friends would recall so.

i) never saw

2) has been seen

3) would have never seen

4) had never seen

ten. Henry took her paw and said, looking in her optics: "I'd rather you lot ____ anyone almost  our conversation."

i) tell

2) won't tell

three) didn't tell

iv) don't tell

xi. I wish you ____ me earlier that you tin't come up to dinner this evening.

i) tell

2) told

3) had told

4) had been told

12. The children rose  _____  later the poor meal, as if they  _____  at all.

one) hungry, did not eat

2) hungrily, had not eaten

three) feeling hungry, have not eaten

iv) hungry, had non eaten

13. "Information technology'due south high fourth dimension you ____ to look after yourself," Alison demanded.

1) learned

2) learn

3) had learned

four) have learned

14. It's time that team ____ a lucifer. They oasis't won a match for ages.

1) has won

2) wins

3) won

4) will win

fifteen. I was every bit awkward and shy with her as if I  _____  poor Henry.

1) had wounded

2) wounded

3) were wounded

4) had been wounded

Рекомендуемая литература

  1. English language Grammat in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997

(pp 74-81)

  1. Advanced Grammar in Utilize, Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press, 2000

( рр  198-207)

  1. Tests, Texts and Topics for your English Exams, Ю . Б . Кузьменкова , Издательство " Титул », 2002 (pp 55-57)
  2. The Heinemann English language Grammar, Digby Beaumont and Colin Granger, Heintmann, 1992 ( рр  111-120)
  3. Revising, Reading and Reasoning for your English Exams, Ю . Б . Кузьменкова , А . Р . Жаворонкова , И . В . Извольская , Издательство " Титул », 2002 (pp 71-76)

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Source: https://englishon.ru/grammatika/266-conditionals-if-sentences-the-subjunctive.html

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